Sunday, March 4, 2012

School, double header part 1

This past week hit everyone like a giant tsunami wave. At first, school was pretty silent and slow, a very easy pace of life could be felt by all of the non biosciences kids, but then the water started to recede. Vienna was pleasant break before it hit, the massive tsunami wave. Starting when we returned from Vienna it was 'go time' for school, everyone was studying diligently for a physiology test that we had on Wednesday and Dr. Moore started his lectures. The stress fumigated the air around the AIB. Backpacks were being thrown around, coat hangers were falling on Chibuzo, people were snapping, coffee was drunk, and the only sane person was Dr. Wasser, it was crazy. The night before, I won't mention their names, but some people actually spent the night at the AIB preparing for the test, along with another person who stayed to... have fun? 

I know what you mean, man.

On Wednesday, the wave arrived. Waking up, I did my morning routine in half the time, put my headphones on and walked and listened to Dr. Wasser's lecture on my way to the AIB. *For kids who are reading this for future reference, it is HIGHLY recommended that you bring a recorder and tape Dr. Wasser's lectures and listen to them while you are in transit on the way to the AIB or to wherever you need to be, because there is a LOT of dead time waiting for public transportation, time that could be spent listening to the wonderfully insightful knowledge of Dr. Wasser, it's almost like he is waiting at a bus stop with you AND talking about turtles!* (asterisks mean this is important)

After judgement day, I felt like I usually do after a Wasser test, that, of course, everything I diligently mastered and found interesting was not on the test (cough, chemoreceptors and neural control of the brain, cough*). But when I saw my grade, while in Amsterdam on Friday, I felt a little better. 

Oh yea, we went to Amsterdam this weekend too. I'll get to that later.

After the physiology test, we had a lot of biomechanics and Dif. EQ homework due, some of which I was unable to finish, due to bad timing and mismanagement of my time management. I like the class and I actually like the speed at which the classes are going, fast. This is hard, because we have a lot of homework due all the time now, but it keeps me from getting bored.

Oh, and we went to Beethoven's house, which was pretty sweeeeet. BTW, Beethoven means beet.. roots? or maybe picker? one of the two, anyways, it was a farmer's name, it is now a legendary name. Fun Fact: around 20,000 people attended Beethoven's funeral in Vienna.

Part 2 entails Amsterdam and stuff.  

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