Sunday, March 4, 2012

This past weekend was largely spent either relaxing or finishing homework that is due, at this point, tomorrow. There were two notable happenings though. The first was my multi-hour walk to and from Bonn from Bad-Godesberg. On the way back to Bad-Godesberg, I passed by the Bonn Kunstmuseum, the entrance of which can be seen in the picture, and I also came across some interesting looking statues. The first statue, or monument, I suppose, is in the picture to the left. I saw it outside near the Haus der Geschichte, and that’s really all I know about it. The second statue was of a man in a suit with what appeared to be a pig’s head. What made this one interesting was that it was positioned on the side of the road in the dirt, and, as far as I could tell, it is not that close to any buildings that would usually have such a thing.

The second thing was my introduction to a German dub of an American movie. The title of the movie in question is unimportant and something that I will leave to your imagination. Truthfully, I only saw it on TV as I was sitting in a bakery eating some sweets. I was surprised at the quality of the dub and how well the voices seemed to “fit” the characters. This opinion may be due to my unlearned ears, however.

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