Yesterday, Kathryn, Katie, and I went to a ballet at the Theater Bonn. The French ballet, choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj, is called “Und Dann, Tausend Jahre Frieden,” which means And Then, a Thousand Years of Peace. It is based on the Book of Revelation and thus has an apocalyptic theme. The ballet was interesting to say the least. I loved parts of it and other parts made me uncomfortable. However, overall, I enjoyed the experience. The costumes and the dancing were both beautiful. My favorite part was a scene where they incorporated a variety of national flags and water. Both of these added something extra to the production.

Besides the ballet, I have been studying all weekend. On Saturday, I had the opportunity to sleep in past noon, which was really nice. After last week and having to get up early every morning, sleeping in was a welcomed luxury. Tomorrow, we are going to the University Clinic as a group to watch surgeries. I am really excited for this. I hope to one day become a surgeon and I have always enjoyed have the opportunity to watch surgeries. I am interested to see what kind of operations we will be able to view.
Anyway, back to studying! Tschuss!
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