After months of garnering rust on my athletic abilities, this week I finally got a chance to play full court basketball thanks to Cameron and his generous host sister Anna, who let us join her in playing at her old high school Tuesday night. There was a moderate adjustment period for the Cameron, Vincent, and myself before we could really feel comfortable playing, but it was a lot of fun. As one can imagine, there was a slight height advantage for most of the Germans, but we had some tricks of our own to show (It wasn't exactly like the picture, but you get the idea). The people were great sports, and seemed genuinely nice. I’m definitely looking forward to next week.
On the school side of things, there was no biomechanics or differential equations classes this week, so we had some extra time to sort of “catch up” on projects and long term assignments. Dr. Wasser also finished the physiology lectures this week so we will be focused mainly on the engineering classes from now on. Two exams this week means that we diligent workers had to begin preparing for those as well.
As a side note, I’ve noticed that I’m being recognized less as a foreigner amongst the locals in recent days, which is both exciting and scary. I’m not sure if the same is happening to others here, but I suppose we’ve been undergoing some ‘Eurofication’ in our months here. I’m happy to feel less like I’m sticking out and more comfortable interacting, but with my aforementioned minimal language skills things can get awkward quickly when I’m approached by strangers. Just another reason to work on my German! I’ll start on that right after I finish studying…
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