Monday, April 16, 2012

Bayer & Neanderthal Museum

To say the least, it was a day full of activities. Spanning from the creation of man, to the creation of Bayer Aspirin. Our day started off with the group touring the Bayer company in Leverkusen, which is about 45 minutes away from Bonn. I really enjoyed this a lot due to the fact that we learned more of the business and production side of Bayer, rather than the medical side. We got to see how everything is made and administered out into the public.
By going to Bayer, we learned that there is a whole lot more the Bayer than just Aspirin. They are major players in Crop Sciences and Material sciences as well. In there Crop science branch, they are doing huge investments in improving how they can decrease the amount of water usage with rice production in Indonesia. With this they are able to not only to grow rice more efficiently, but they are able to grow in times of drought, etc. So that even in times little water, they are still able to maintain a steady rice production. I think that its cool that a company can be so diverse, yet be very successful with each sector. Seeing the whole economics, and how to appeal to the public was a cool aspect to see and how it relates to the medical field. Also seeing the production line was awesome, and the efficiency of everything.
After that we went to the neanderthal museum and saw the evolution of the human race from neaderthal. Neanderthalensis was discovered in the Neander valley close to Dusseldorf. Surprisingly a lot of ways to distinct between different races was there jaw characteristics etc. Which was really interesting to me, since i am wanting to go into dental school!

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