This past week, besides arranging my things for the move, I also had a couple of random exciting events. First of all, the marathon is at the end of this month! Oh snap! My training method has been a little weird, but let's hope it's working.

Thursday, I went shopping with Katie since we unexpectedly ended up getting a long 4-day weekend. Not that anyone cares, but I finally got those leather sneakers I had been eyeing!

Friday we went on a bike tour to Remagen. I had no complaints for this since I need the training. Of course, no one had a problem with their bikes except me. The amazing bike's chain fell of halfway there. Fortunately, we had a handy-dandy guy named Seth who was more than prepared for the occasion. He fixed my bike like a pro and we continued to Remagen where we had a nice lunch and tour. I have to say our tour guide, the mayor of Remagen and founder of the peace museum, was the cutest old man ever! After the tour, a few brave ones (myself included), decided to head back on our bikes and not by train. On the way back to Bonn, Andrea and I ended up separating from the group. My wonderful bike then decided to break once more. This time, the chain fell off completely and I had no way to fix it. Andrea and I ended up locating Kristin, walking back, luckily finding a train station, meeting up with Kristin and Dr. Ball, and finally heading back by train.

On another note, we're almost done with Biochemistry! This Thursday is our final and I'm more than ready to check-off this class from my list of worries.
The internet in my new host home has been acting up, so the only way to write this blog is through my phone at the moment. That being said, pictures will be added when I can get internet on my computer.
For now, tschüss!
(week of March 26)
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