Sunday, April 22, 2012


Yes, the title is a chant that we heard at a BUNDESLIGA game on Saturday. I thought it was funny that they said it in English, unless the German term is a cognate, but who am I to complain? This was my second game, but it was just as fun as the first game since I could enjoy it with my friends, as well as some other people from the AIB. Of course, I missed the coolest goal of the game, but that was alright, as long as my team, FC KÖLN, came up with a draw or a win, which they did, with a draw. This was important because the opposing team is my host brother's team and I wanted to have bragging rights when I got back to my host family's house. The game was pretty sloppy, not just from the horrible FC Köln, but also from the away team, the fatigue of the long season must be setting in for both teams.

On Sunday, I ran the second leg of "The Fighting Texas Aggies German Relay Team". I felt good about how I ran and the team did good, as well. It was a pretty day for running and I was glad that I signed up for that experience, as it was a really fun and social event, as well as good exercise after a week of sitting and studying ~ 24/7. That's something I've noticed about this program, the hardships can be extreme at times, but experiences like running a marathon (relay) in Bonn, Germany, or attending a Bundesliga game, are priceless and make this whole trip worth it's weight in gold(mental gold?).

Short post because I have lots of homework to attend to now. Until next time everybody.

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