This week has been busy--scholastically, socially, athletically... you name it. With so much to cram in before the end of the trip, we're definitely making the most of our remaining time here in Germany. To start off the week, we began having guest lectures on cardiology piped in from back in College Station. Just doing that has been pretty neat- it's crazy how small the world seems under the influence of technology. Plus, it's a fun break in the normal routine of things to get a glimpse (literally) of what's going on back home.

Also, my twentieth birthday was on Wednesday! If you had asked my childhood self where I pictured myself when I was twenty, I never would have guessed that I would be studying abroad in a foreign country. It's strange that we've been here for the better part of four months, and I still have trouble realizing everything that's gone here in Europe this semester. Anyway, everyone went out of their way to make sure that I had a great day, even though it was the first birthday I'd spent away from home. Andrea made sure that I started the morning off with a giant Starbuck's latte fix and my host family even got me a big pot of flowers to celebrate the occasion (although all other festivities were postponed until the weekend due to the oncoming Biomechanics exam).
Birthday gifts, flowers and cake! |

The very next day, we got a break from schoolwork to go on the Rhine Cruise. We actually started off not on the river, but busing to Bingen. There, we got to learn more about Hildegard von Bingen and her mystical visions. We also had a short jaunt about the garden, learning more about various herbs and their uses in homeopathic medicine. I think my favorite discovery was actually Dr. Wasser playing us some of her musical compositions earlier in class. They were so hymnal and ethereal- I think I may have found some new good study and relaxing music for my ipod. From the museum, we went on to a delicious lunch before making our way to the boat. The cruise was so beautiful! Saying that the scenery made up for the weather definitely does the Rhineland credit (being that we had to cope with some scattered showers and chilly breezes). On every single hill (of which there are many in this particular area) was another castle, looking all old and austere. Back in America, I don't think we have a single one to compare, and here they

were just a common topping of the surrounding countryside. From the cruise, we hiked up an impressive hill to the Rheinfels ruins in St. Goar. It was a lot of fun to be let loose on the old grounds and to explore at our leisure. In addition to some amazing old structures and towering battlements, this castle came equipped with another amazing view. At this point, it seems like I should stop being surprised, but I can't help it. Too soon it was back on the bus where most of us grabbed a quick nap before making it back to Bonn. With the biomechanics test the next day, the little extra sleep was definitely appreciated later on in the study-centric night.
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