Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nonessentials and the Like

This past week officially saw me drop below a new line of savings, as I have started to buy soup from the local grocery store for my lunch and then maybe buy a snack. This has resulted in me spending an average of 2 euros a day on food, much less than I spent the first weeks of the program. Looking back, I can't believe we were going out to eat so much, absurd decisions. After booking my outrageous ticket to Paris this weekend (they ran out of second class tickets and I had to buy a first class ticket, at least that's what they told me. On that note, don't ever buy a ticket for a foreign country at Bonn HPF, you're just asking for attitude from the people that work there and bad information, as I think they flat out lied to me and said I could only receive half the price for my tickets, which I'm pretty sure is wrong. Anyways, go to Köln to buy tickets. Or just get a Eurail pass, it actually saves you money in the end, if you train to at least four different countries around Germany, as well as within Germany), I've notice that I need to start budgeting much more efficiently or return to the U.S. broke!

I have been counteracting that by living well below my means, and I can see the dividends already. An example is the fact that I haven't had to break bills, as I am able to use my change to by the necessities. A good lesson to take from this is to remember to budget and allocate money efficiently. Also, I am so thankful that my host family has an espresso machine that I can use, as I would be broke now if I were buying coffee from the Starbucks here on a regular basis, probably even bankrupt, that ain't no joke neither.

Strange thing, as it is getting more and more pleasant in Germany, and the permafrost that veiled the country is melting away, I'm startin to think more of home, finally. I love Europe, but I might love Mexican food more... April Fools! But really, I wouldn't mind a legit enchilada right now.

Sleep? I don't need that. Lunch? I eat that (89¢ soup!). Weekend nights? I sleep that. Test tomorrow? I need to study for that... Ciao everybody.


<")   that's a bird head, I guess.

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