Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Harry Potter movie night, Trier, and Easter Weekend

On Thursday, April 5, we had our second test in math 308, and with that to end the week before a long weekend, I wanted to do something special that night. In my case, something special must of course involve Harry Potter, so I invited my fellow students over to watch a Harry Potter movie. We chose Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I was super excited to watch it. Unfortunately, however, I had not counted on how tired the preceding week would make everyone, and several people were nodding off before we decided to call it a night. Maybe we can finish the movie some other time? Oh well.

The Easter weekend was filled with fun as I went with Megan and Austin to Trier for Good Friday and Saturday. We saw lots of Roman ruins including some baths and the amphitheater, which used to be the site of gladiatorial fights. It actually felt a little weird because I felt like it should have had a much more serious atmosphere than it did, and it even felt a little irreverent to be smiling and snapping photos of ourselves where people had died for the amusement of others. Fortunately the rest of the sights did not make me so melancholy. We also got to visit a museum dedicated to the Father of Communism, Karl Marx, which had been made out of the house where he was born.

We returned to Bonn on Saturday, so Megan and I agreed to go to the Münster for Easter mass. Even though it was in German I was able to understand part of the scriptures read, and I really enjoyed the atmosphere of being in a beautiful old church, which was also filled with incense. Afterwards Megan and I made an Easter lunch of hot chocolate, bread, and a delicious strawberry cake-thing. I was a little bummed to not be spending the holiday with my family for the first time in my life, but at least I got to skype with them later that evening, and since it was early afternoon for them when it was evening here, I was able to see much of my extended family as well since they were all eating lunch and spending the day together.

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