Sunday, April 1, 2012


Mark and I decided to go to Munchen this weekend. And it was awesome!! To start off our adventure we took the car pool service, and to say the least. This guy hauled but to Munchen. Riding on the autobahn was definitely an experience within itself. Going speed at about 120-130 miles per hour really had my adrenaline pumping ha! But we stayed with one of Mark’s friends in Munchen, she is actually a medical student at the university there. On Saturday, we went to the very famous Neuschwanstein schloss. There we hiked up the hill to the castle, then went hiking around by theriver. The river was so pretty, and the alpen wasser tasted amazing!! The water was freezing as well! After that we went to the Andecks monastery. At this monastery they brew a stronger beer during lent. It has a higher alcohol content than usual. But the beer was really good with some obazda and pretzels. This part of Germany is really pretty. The mountains and everything really make it a pretty cool place. While in Bavaria I couldn’t stop comparing to how similar it is to Texas. The food, the way of life and farming, and even how they have their own dialect. It kind of reminded me of home! On that next Sunday, we did a bike tour around the city and saw basically all of Munchen and its greatness. My favorite part was the Englisch garten. It is this huge park with a river going through it, and it is also home to the Chinese garten that has a GREAT biergarten. I had leberkase with rotkrot and a maas. Which it was all pretty delicious! Also, we saw the surfers that ride the wave on the Ice boch! That was a really cool site to see!! Munchen has definitely been one of my favorite cities so far in Europe. Hopefully I will be able to go back!!

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