Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A different sort of Easter

I wish we got two weeks off around Easter like they do over here.  I realize that it is part of their spring break and that their summer is shorter, but right at the moment I really wish I had two weeks off.  The end of the semester is approaching and I really need to muster myself and get things done.  Just think, in 6 weeks I will be back in the hot Texas weather.  In six short weeks I will be getting my hair cut (it has gotten super long! :D), ordering my class ring, (hopefully) attending a research symposium at school where (hopefully) I will have an abstract submitted for competition, getting to hug my friends and family, eating TexMex food, and maybe paying a visit to Andrew in Austin.  All of this in about 10 days before I start work in Dallas.  Then it is research all summer with a short break for my brother’s wedding.  Man I can’t wait to be home!
Münsterkirche © Stadt Bonn
Sunday I woke up to a bunch of Easter eggs and a chocolate bunny outside my door.  The host family had made breakfast which included some delicious sweet almond bread.  I went to the Münsterplatz Cathedral for church with Joanna, but ended up just praying the rosary most of the time since the service was in German.   The good news is I was able to understand a bit more of the sermon this time!  One thing I did notice though was how underdressed everyone was.  Back home people generally do not dress up much for Sunday mass, but on Christmas and Easter they go all out.  Joanna and I both showed up in skirts since we were at least trying to be presentable, but we shouldn’t have worried since most people were in pants.  I asked my host mom about it when I returned but apparently it is pretty standard for people not to dress up here.  Oh well…I tried!

After church we were both hungry, but hardly anything was open.  We were both craving deviled eggs and ham, so Turkish or Chinese food didn’t sound particularly appetizing.  We settled for some hot cocoa and strawberry short cake, but I think we were both missing Easter Brunch with family at home.  I did get a card for Easter from my parents in the mail so that cheered up my day!

Monday I had planned on going for a run, and had even gotten dressed and arranged to meet Joanna at my house when I looked outside and it was raining.  Ick.  I was a bit disappointed because I had really been looking forward to running.  My knee had stopped hurting, there was a new trail through the woods that I was dying to try, and the marathon was in 2 weeks so I really needed the training.  After seeing the rain, Joanna and I made the split-second decision to visit the Chocolate museum in Köln.  We raced around the house grabbing things, called Austin and managed to drag him along, and hopped on a bus for the train station.  Unfortunately by the time we got to Köln we would only have had 15 minutes in the museum, so in round 2 museum vs us, the museum won again.  I think spirits were a little low, so we ended up just turning around and coming back without even getting dinner or having some Kölsch.  Ah well, at least I got some more use out of my EURail pass and got out of the house.

 In other news of note, I get to see my Aunt Mel on Friday!!  I am meeting her in Den Haag, Netherlands, where we plan to visit the flower markets and eat lots of Dutch cheese.  Well, the cheese thing may just be me, but regardless, it’s going to be fun!  The only bummer is I just found out I will have class until 5 pm on Friday.  This means I won’t be getting in to Den Haag until 9 pm or so.  Ah well, maybe the schedule will get rearranged and I will end up getting out of here early! *crosses fingers*

In more unfortunate news, I cannot find the chord that goes from my computer to my camera.  I am sure it is in one my bags somewhere, but I apologize for the lack of photos in recent posts. 

Annndd because I need to end on a positive note, I register for classes in 2 days! Well technically 3 with the time difference (Whoop for waking up at 4 in the morning to register) but still.  Yes, I am such a nerd that I get excited about registering for classes.

Now, back to what I should be doing…working on my BMEN 485 paper.

Tschüß for now!

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