Monday, February 17, 2020

Week 5

*Most of this blog post was written on February 12th and 13th

This past week, I continued to travel in Vienna and finally made it back to Bonn despite a profusion of storms cancelling most travel to northern Germany. On Thursday, the class toured the fool's tower, a museum made up of strange medical cases involving a variety of deformities to skin and bone structure. Many of the displays were unpleasant to view, but I managed to make it through the entirety of the tour without collapsing so I feel more confident in my ability to one day become a doctor. On Friday, we toured the Natural History Museum, and Dr. Wasser and a museum worker gave great explanations of the different animals and rock formations showcased to the public. I spent the rest of Friday studying and eating until a group of students and I took a bus to Budapest.
The bus dropped us off in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. I was mildly afraid of the area as we walked through a long, vandalized tunnel until I saw two young men shouting and banging their heads against the tunnel wall; I was then very afraid. Thankfully, we found a subway and quickly scurried inside. After arriving to our AirBnB around 11:00 pm, the group set out to buy wine and breakfast supplies. I bought my wine and stood outside the store with Jack while we waited for the others to finish shopping. A homeless man approached us, asked for money, then screamed and kicked anything he could after we told him we had no Forints. The homeless man later returned and tried to buy my wine for less than I paid, and as we walked away, we could hear more banging as the homeless man was frustrated with his lack of alcohol.
The next day, the group set out for the thermal baths and relaxed for several hours as our skin turned to raisins in the warm pools.

That night, we sailed on a party boat for two and half hours, getting great views of Budapest until we finally went back to the AirBnB at 1:30 am.
Our flights were cancelled so we stayed an extra night in Budapest. Sunday mostly consisted of resting and eventually eating desert at the esteemed New York cafe. The day was mostly uneventful, but we took some good pictures.
*A picture of me at the cafe
Monday consisted only of travel (and combating a worsening cold), and Wednesday has only consisted of studying for BMEN 211. Next week, I will write more in depth about my experiences watching surgeries on Tuesday, as I will not have much else to write about. I am glad to finally have a break from all the travel, but I am not happy about being thrust into a stressful testing period.
I cannot wait for carnival and my upcoming ski trip to Switzerland

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