Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week 9: When In Rome

I made it to ITALY! Can I just post pictures from this point, and let that say it all?! Do I really need to explain Italy any further?! Hhhmmmm, I guess I can, I'm not doing anything better with my life at the moment.

Places we visited, in chronological order: Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome

My fave to my least Fave: Rome I think, then Venice? They're a close tie! But then it proceeds as                                                  Florence and Pisa, then Milan!

Milan: The fashion capital of the world, or one of them anyways! It was only fitting that we spend our time in Milan shopping, so we did! Side note: everyone knows how much I LOVE my ice cream, I vowed that I would eat some everyday and I did! But there was this one place and they could give you everything in a cone! I'm not exaggerating, I didn't exactly know what I was getting myself into but I splurged, I spent 10 euros on some gelato! But all of this was in a cone, there was gelato, nutella, strawberries, brownie pieces, and a crepe, INSIDE A CONE! What more needs to be said?! I forgot to take a picture of it! ahah

Venice: The sinking city! My gosh, it was so beautiful and so local and so interesting! We had a full day of stuff when we were here, we just kept stumbling upon cool things! Altogether, we went to the tower, the Basilica, the space museum, the Da Vinci museum, the bridges, and I cant remember what else. But it was amazing, and was not as packed with tourists as I imagined it being! Side note: Gargonzola cheese on Pizza is NOT GOOD! Our gondola tour guide, actually sang to us!

Florence and Pisa: Why, yes that tower is leaning and its
 in Pisa. We had to go see the leaning tower of Pisa and take a day trip! Florence was beautiful, we seen the dome, the cathedral, and had some good gelato! It was s o beautiful, we even watched the sunset in Florence on the bridges.

Rome: Well, when in Rome, you roam! Rome was beautiful but my gosh there was SO MANY people! You had to be aware of pickpockets here too, there were so many signs everywhere, it was just unsettling! But we seen so many things, in Rome, the roman ruins, were life! Its so surreal to see that these things were built so long ago, but here you are looking at it because it has withstood so much! One stone, well several stones, have literally seen over 2000 years worth of life! Of course we visited the Colosseum, and we even got to walk the stage, where past gladiators stood!
On the stage of the Colosseum! 
 Some of the many roman ruins that we saw! This picture does the Forum, NO JUSTICE! There was so so so so much to see, we were there for three hours!

Lastly, we will be dropping the next hottest mixtape of 2017! Be on the lookout,
we took our cover pictures in Italy! Watch Out!

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