Sunday, March 19, 2017


Karneval  was a pretty fun weekend starting with going with the AIB group to a parade on thursday. I dressed up in a suit and tie because I was not sure what to dress up as so i decided to "dress up". Carnaval is reminiscent of the Middle Ages of how people used to mock the monks and religious figures by dressing up as them. It as evolved as a tradition in this specific region of Germany as a parade and time to have fun which is pretty interesting. It turns more into a social and laid back atmosphere and is integrated into German social culture. I went to Cologne on Saturday where Carneval where Carneval is celebrated by about 1 million people. All the streets were crowded and music was played on the streets. It was something pretty cool to see and have a relaxed mind before school picks up again. I hung out with some Germans in carneval which was a pretty unique experience. On Monday i experienced the carneval parade in Bonn by myself. It was also something cool to see. It was much less crowded than Cologne, but still pretty crowded. It took 2 times longer to get to places but it is also a fun experience going by yourself to Carneval. 

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