Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Not Everything Good Can Last - Week 7

Bonn, Germany
February 28th – March 5th
For the recap of this week I can conclude there’s not much to say except my classmates and I were slowly coming off a Karnvel high and venturing into treacherous waters, aka, a bunch of school stuff piled itself up. There were two tests, a presentation, and impossible homework due this week. You know how they say you should manage your time wisely and balance work with play, well, that didn’t happen very well this weekend since Karneval kind of took over and exploded in my face. Don’t get me wrong, it was totally worth every minute of procrastination when it came to getting my work done, but in the end, I had to suffer the repercussions my actions and therefore had one stressful week trying to prepare myself for the two exams and presentation I had while also completing my homework.

I can safely say though, once Friday hit, a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders and I no longer had the claws of stress digging into my back side. I was free. And on top of this feeling, I realized I wouldn’t formally be schooling for the next two weeks since we are going to France next week and after that it’s Spring Break. Let’s just say, this two-week hiatus couldn’t have come at a better time. Not having any homework to complete or worry about this weekend left me wondering what I was supposed to do with my free time. I decided to fill it with hanging with my hosting sister, shopping with a friend, going for several runs, and then sleeping because the runs exhausted me. I also go to eat delicious food this weekend as well. On Sunday, my host mom, Astrid, and I went for a run, which turned into us running a 10k unintentionally, and afterward we came home and rewarded ourselves with a wonderful breakfast which consisted of chopped fruit and seeds mixed with grease pudding. I was in heaven. That evening, Astrid cooked ham with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. This was the first time I’ve had sauerkraut since arriving in Germany and I can continue to say that I like it. A lot of people don’t care for it because of its pungent taste but I find that it compliments certain meats well.

Despite the difficult week I had, I truly love how I learn here. The classes are smaller, the professors know your name and are willing to work with you one on one. It all becomes more personal which I appreciate. The teaching is tailored to our needs and our crazy schedule. Even though my classes are just as if not more rigorous than the typical College Station classes, I wouldn’t trade this for anything. This journey has really opened my eyes to what it means to live life while working hard. I’ve been less stressed, even though my schedule is more stressful here than in College Station, I’ve been able to complete my assignments in a timely manner, and I’m gaining vast amounts of knowledge in and out of the classroom. I can’t believe I have almost hit the half way point in this trip. Time as flown by so fast and I’ve already done so much, and there’s still more to come. I’m excited to see what the future will hold, but for now I will cherish the present and live in the now. Onward with the journey, one step at a time.

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