In order to survive this extended weekend there were a few essential Kölsch Vocabulary words one must know:
Karneval: often referred to as a the 'fifth season' along the River Rhein, in which the natives and visitors indulge in liquid libations, costumes, parades and go completely mental.
Alaaf: An expression/exclamation often shouted to signify a enjoyment, like 'Hurray'!
Kamelle: If you should this during a parade, expect candy to be hurled at you.
Jecke: Karneval Goers, also synonymous with jokesters/clowns
Kölsch(Bier): The only language you can drink. One Kölsch Bier during Karneval is a must.

Saturday I needed a break from the madness and I stayed inside the entire day. I'm pretty sure my host mom was trying to coax me out. Introverts beware, this weekend is not for the feeble minded or faint of heart.
By far the most rewarding day so far. We were able to participate in the LïKüRa Parade along side members of Therapiezentrum in Bonn.Throughout the parade we took turns assisting people with varying disabilities, handing out flyers, and throwing Kamelle to the pedestrians. Interacting with them was incredible, and although my German is limited, the people had an enormous amount of energy and a positive attitude even when we ran out of candy. I had the pleasure of walking with a woman named Sonja, who knew every song played word for word. She loved dancing and handing out candy and toy cars to the smaller children. Her energy was contagious and I'm glad I was awarded this opportunity. Unfortunately, walking 3K very slowly and forcing a smile is more exhausting that I thought. After the parade I went home and went to sleep.
On Monday, I was very much mentally done with Karneval. I tried to hide in my room all day, but my Host mom found me and kicked me out to go watch the biggest parade of all. Honestly, I don't know how anybody, let alone 60,000 people, made it to this parade because I was kaputt. I refused to collect candy, but that didn't stop me from getting pelted with it. I also refused to drink, but it didn't stop me from shouting ALAAF!
Great week. Would reccomend. I'd do it again in 5 years.
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