Friday, March 31, 2017

Week 10

This week we participated in the international big event. Big event is such a good cause and I was so excited that I would be able to participate in it while I am studying abroad. The day started with an early morning of going to town and meeting at old AIB. While there, we got our shirts, had breakfast, practiced Aggie yells, and sang the war hymn. It was truly an Aggie led morning.

Side note: when the germans ask you what size of shirt you want, it isn't unisex sizes. It's the female specific shirts and you should know that ahead of time. I was handed the smallest shirt I have ever seen.

Once we split into our groups, we walked towards the donation center that we would be volunteering at. We got name tags and then got to work. I worked at the first station where we opened the donation bags and sorted through them. We looked at all of the clothes to decide if they were good or not, focusing on stains and holes/tears. Then if they were good, we sorted them into women, men, children, and baby. We did this all day and got a lot of work done. I got to meet and socialize with other people from AIB that I never knew and also more of the student workers.

It felt really good being able to volunteer and donate my time to help a place that does such good work. All the clothes we sorted through would ultimately go to refugees who need a lot of help. It was also really cool because there was an article written in the paper about our volunteer work and my picture is in the article. My host dad got a copy of it for me to keep so I will forever have memories of this day.

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