Sunday, January 28, 2018

When in Rome or wait still in Germany

     So this week was very interesting. Lots and lots of classes and homework making it a super long week, a visit to the WWII museum, and my first football (soccer game). Tuesday was really fun, we started the day around 10:00-9:00 going to classes and doing a ton of homework which is pretty much all I do now... You laugh now but next week we will be in Vienna from Tuesday till Friday, and I'll have one of my best buds as a roommate there (pray it goes well). Thursday was the an exciting day where we spent the first half of the day learning about Germany during and post WWII. We saw glimpses of how the Germans acted around WWII and how the wall was developed over time. Some of the coolest things we heard was during the production of the wall people came up with better ways to cross the wall. So when it was a barbwire fence people either hopped over or drove cars through them. As the wall developed people would climb to the top of buildings and jump into nets the fire department setup on the other side to help them escape. One of the best stories which I heard was one gentleman crossed the wall legally and went to Italy where he found a very unique car that was very small. He then drove back across the boarder to pick up his wife and mother and then drove under the wall.
     Todays adventure went well too. I got to see some Bayer Leverkusen and FSV Mainz face off in a soccer match. Leverkusen won 2-0, it was very good game with lots of potential shots taken by Leverkusen mostly. It was like a mixture between Ultimate Frisbee and Rugby with no timeouts and no halftime show. What was also very different was how intense the fans were. They were literally put in two cages for both teams so they didn't fight each other. The whole game they screamed chants and curses at the other team, I had never seen such passion for a game.
     This next week will be very relaxing except for getting up at 3:45 Tuesday to be driven to the airport ugh. I don't really know what to expect but apparently Vienna has great food and lots of museums. I will post more later as always thank you and Gute Nacht.

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