Sunday, January 28, 2018

I get to sleep once I finish this

I've realized that my past two blog titles have been about sleep so I might as well keep that going I guess.

Any who, this week has been a rather good one I think. Saturday, I got to go to Cologne and tour the chocolate museum and shop around. The chocolate museum was great because chocolate and it made me learn a very valuable lesson. Me being me, my favorite kind of chocolate is dark chocolate, the darker the better. So in the gift shop for the museum you could buy 99% cacao chocolate, the darkest of the chocolates. I of course bought it out of curiosity thinking "how bad could it be?" and let me tell you there's a reason they put so much sugar in chocolate. I took a bite out of my 99% cacao chocolate and the first taste wasn't bad, but as you keep chewing it's just like eating dirt, 10/10 do not recommend. All is not lost though, I asked my host mom if I could use some of the fun molds she has, so one day I am going to mix my 99% death with some sugar and make some unicorn chocolates :D

A not so great thing happened last night. Last night I planned on staying home and getting some VIBS 311 done. Stay home I did, but as soon as I opened my laptop I went straight to YouTube (whoops). After a while, I thought I would be productive and do some little ab videos. So I was laying on the floor doing some bicycles and my back starts burning. I didn't think anything of it but I did stop and move on to something else, but as I was looking at my back in the mirror, I noticed where my stitches were it was more red than usual. I got Shannon to look at it and apparently my deep stitches had snapped! Now I face the issue of trying to find butterfly bandaids to try and keep it together and I don't know if I will be able to find any. Earlier this week my host sister offered to go out looking for them for me, and apparently none of the Apotheke places have them. Hopefully when I go out looking tomorrow I can find some at Rewe or a DM.

Bad things aside, I am looking forward to going to Vienna because after Vienna it's CASTLE TIME. A few of us are going to Munich after Vienna for the weekend so we can go to Neuschwanstein Castle on Saturday. I'm super pumped, so hopefully the weather is nice and we can hike up to the castle. I don't know if we will have time to walk around Munich because we will be taking a morning train back to Bonn on Sunday, but I hope we will because I've heard it's a beautiful city.

Okay so now I am done YAY BED BYE

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