Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ibk stole my post title (and I'm too lazy to think of another one) || January 10, 2018

After almost going to the wrong airport this morning, I've successfully made it to the right one, through security, and to my gate with an hour to spare. I guess it's time to start my blog post!

I've had to say a lot of goodbyes in the last few days: to my family, friends, Donut (the most vicious hamster that's ever lived), tex-mex enchiladas and Whataburger (quite possibly the hardest--sorry mom!), and now I say my last: goodbye to my phone data and having the internet at my fingertips.

I don't mind that one too much, I actually think it might be a nice change to unplug, even if it's just a little bit (thank goodness for wifi!) It does worry me a little though because I've never had to travel without being able to look up my exact location at all times. But I'm hoping that over time and travels I'll develop a better sense of how to navigate new surroundings and keep track of where I am. Even so, I'm sure I'm going to end up lost a ton in the process, so my biggest goal this semester is to embrace it instead of being scared and just enjoy the adventure it brings.

I'll check in again soon--goodbye Texas and hello Germany!

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