Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ahhh someone pinch me!!!

Oh my goodness, its the day before I embark on what I know will be one of the best semester yet. Where. do. I. even. begin??!

My hero's journey isn't really just starting as I get on the plane tomorrow but it began when I decided to go on this study abroad. I had to decide to leave behind my family and friends and what I am comfortable with--to literally go across the world, to a distinct continent, in a little city in Germany called Bonn for 4 months, to live with a family I do not know. However, I decided to go because I knew it was going to be an experience of a lifetime that would be life changing, extremely helpful and insightful for various aspects of my life other than my career. 

Not only did I have to make the tough decision of leaving my comfort zone, but many travel obstacles stood in the way of me getting to this point. These obstacles were so great to the point where I doubted and questioned if this journey was one that I was supposed to undertake. Nonetheless, I am so grateful that these obstacles did not get the best of me, but rather taught me patience, responsibility and to never stop having faith. I am so so ready to learn, to explore, to be humbled, and to make long lasting friendships with my fellow classmates, my host family and other people I cross path with on this journey. My expectations lie and are not limited to these mentioned above. In addition, as someone who loves linguistics, I expect to be at least 50% fluent in German. I expect to fall in love more with my major and deepen my desire to become a doctor as I learn and tour historic locations that mark the origins of medicine.

I mentioned this earlier but I hope to build life long friendships and connect with my classmates, host family and many people of different nationalities I come in contact with; anything shy of these is my concern. However, with these worries comes the peace in knowing that my classmates and my host family are equally as ecstatic as I am and also desire to build lasting friendships and embark on this journey with me.  Another concern of mine is that I am a picky eater, sooooo I am a little nervous about trying new foods, however, I am so ready to try EVERYTHING!  Finally, I am scared that I might not be able to visit and see all the sights and attractions that I would like to see, but I am going to choose to enjoy the places I do get to go and cherish the memories I do get to make.

Needless to say, on January 11, 2018, I will be in Germany, where I will be living for about 4 months. The thought of this really does feel unreal, somebody seriousssssly... PINCH ME!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I pray you are able to achieve your dreams. Don't worry, you'll be just fine! Have fun!!!!
