Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I should be sleeping but it's fine

I should probably start off by saying that blogging and sharing my thoughts, feelings, and experiences is not something that I do often, so bear with me. Tomorrow, I will be in a different country, something I have never done before. Surprisingly, I have not felt excitement or anxious or anything really, I think I am just kind of numb, but I know once I get to the airport and get to the gate I will for sure feel it then. I will be gone for four months, the longest I have ever been away from family and friends and I wish I could bring them with me on this experience.

I never realized how much there is to do to prepare for an overseas trip and I have surely forgotten something, but I know no matter how much I prepare I am still not going to be ready enough for what greets me as I step off the plane in Germany. And honestly I am okay with that, that's what studying abroad is for, waking us college kids up and helping us get a better grasp on the world. I think it's going to be super fun finding out people's opinions on all kinds of different subjects from all over Europe.

I am super excited for all trips we get to take as part of the program and the trips we get to take on our own time. Spring break some of us are planning on going to the UK. I think this trip will be one of my favorites for one because CASTLES and I have always seen pictures of the country and it just looks beautiful. Some of us are also planning a ski trip to the German Alps. This I know is going to be great because skiing is just the best, and I get to do it in the Alps!

I am looking forward to meeting my host family and I am hoping they willing to help me improve my German. I took German 101 in the fall, so I should be able to say and understand some things but who knows what I have forgotten over winter break. I know for sure on the plane I will be having a cram refresher course. We were told in one of our meeting that we will be taking a German course as part of our program. However, they said that if we have had any previous German courses we would be bumped up to and intermediate level so gig me.

Anywho, that's most of my worries, but after writing this my excitement is building (and so is the anxiety but we are just going to ignore that bit). I can't wait to get to Germany to start this great trip!

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