Thursday, January 11, 2018

The adventure begins

It still hasn't set in yet that I will be spending the next 4 months of my life studying and traveling throughout Europe. It feels like yesterday I was sitting in my first BMEN course asking other students if they were considering studying abroad. I have been waiting for an opportunity like this since my older sister returned from this same program. She's been back for almost two years and still talks about her experience abroad, calling it "the best semester of college." I have always loved traveling, and was fortunate to have traveled a lot with my family growing up.  This semester in Bonn will provide numerous opportunities to travel places I've never been and to explore more of the places I have seen. My sister’s amazing time abroad and my love of traveling influenced me to participate in this program. Another reason I decided to head to Bonn was because of the chance to work on an actual project in device design while taking the same classes I would be taking back in college station to stay on track for graduation. I am very excited to meet new people and make friends. I hope to learn more about myself on this program. Being an ocean away from the people I relied on will force me to become more independent. I expect to learn more about the German culture by living with my host family, trying new foods, and hopefully picking up some of the language. I'm excited for the semester to begin, but I am nervous about a few things. I'm worried about getting to and from the AIB and finding my way around Bonn. I know at some point in the semester I will end up lost somewhere or have trouble figuring out my way through an airport, but that's all part of the experience. I hope my host family likes me and that I can successfully balance a load of schoolwork with traveling. While everything feels new and unusual now, I expect to be used to things in a few weeks. I think I will learn a great deal about myself and gain new perspectives about the world and the U.S. after living in a different culture for a semester. I can't wait to see what my semester in Bonn has in store (hopefully some pastries and pretzels)! :)
Until next time,


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