Tuesday, January 9, 2018


This semester will be full of so many new things. I am psyched for the beautiful sights, the new people, and the diverse experiences. I definitely have high expectations for what is to come in these next few months; I just have no idea what precisely they will entail and even more what I will learn.

Why exactly did I decide to go to Germany for a semester? Hmmm… I would say it’s a conglomeration of a few things. I studied the German language and culture in high school, sparking my interest to travel; since then, it has been my goal to observe it for myself. So now, a year and a half later, I’ll be able to put some of my German words to use. I want to challenge myself to do things outside of my comfort zone, changing my sense of normal. Mostly, I want to see something new. College is such a pivotal time for growing and learning, and I think this opportunity is a chance to do just that. (Also, when else will I be able to move to Europe for a few months?)

I hope this trip will shape my outlook—affecting how I appreciate different ways of life and interact with people. I am also anticipating traveling to many different new countries and cities!

Should I be nervous? Because I am really not. Unsure of what to expect and feeling a bit unprepared, but not nervous.

So here’s to trying new things, unforeseen adventures, and hopefully getting quicker at writing blog posts.

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