Sunday, January 21, 2018

Brussels Bonanza

Jan 21st 2018

This weekend, I spent my time exploring Brussels. The Belgium city was full of what I wanted to try the most while abroad: amazing food. It began with my group jumping into a tour group that was passing by. The tour guide finished talking about Belgium's history and started discussing where to get the best waffles. My interest was piqued. As she pointed out the specific store, my group broke from the tour group, we ran towards the waffle house, entranced by the delicious aroma. The scent did not disappoint. The beautiful waffle was both puffy and crisp, with raspberry sauce covering the powder sugar. After my first bite, I knew: this was the best waffle I ever had. Maybe even the best dessert I ever tried. After finishing my treat, I was filled with a warm, satisfied feeling. The rest of my food adventures went the same way. The French fries completely erased any love I had for McDonald's fries. In a café I had a coffee that hit like a boxer while tasting of smooth, freshly roasted beans. Everything was not perfect in Brussels however. The sites left something to be desired, paling in comparison to the fantastic food. Autoworld was a huge disappointment, as I could only see a few cars and not get close enough for photos that made me look like a street racer. Overall, my trip to Brussels was a success. My first weekend trip set a high bar that will be difficult to top for future travels. 

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