Thursday, February 28, 2019

week 5- ich bin eine studentin

In retrospect, getting my face wash taken away at security in Krakow was a blessing in disguise because I got the chance to try out some new German skin care products. It was a little difficult to read the labels in the store, but thanks to Google translate, I was able to find what I needed. Fun fact: in German, “pimple” translates to “pickle,” so a lot of the products read “anti-pickle,” when in fact they were just acne products.
I spent the first half of the week studying for my genetics test, and the other half recovering from it. The week itself was pretty uneventful, but over the weekend I wanted to explore Bonn, so I visited two museums and walked around the town! It was really awesome because I don’t get a lot of alone time here, so it was nice to be able to have a weekend to slow down and gather some thoughts.
Also, the weather this whole week has been absolutely perfect! Gelato stands are popping up, cafes are setting up tables outside, and I can finally go out without my winter coat! On Sunday, I went to this park along the river, which I think will soon be one of my favorite spots in town. That evening, I decided to go on a run because I signed up to be on a relay team in the marathon that’s coming up in April and have yet to start training.
It was a pretty chill weekend, but much needed for recovery. I have come to realize how exhausting travel is, especially on top of having to do just as much school work as I did back in College Station. With my genetics test this past week, I definitely felt this pressure of academics more than any other week on this program and it definitely pushed me full throttle into school mode. I really enjoy studying and I like what I’m learning, but I have had to learn how to learn the material more efficiently here since I don’t have as much time to study as I used to. 

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