Monday, February 4, 2019

Second Post

Second Week

           All the classes and academics began and also gave out some assignments. Most of my homework includes German class papers and memorization, medical writing assignments for VIBS 311, and researching about ECMO. It was not a burdensome coursework but I believe it could be felt burdensome if the assignments or tests are compacted with the travel schedule that I personally have. Therefore, I reflect on myself that I should do my academics in advance to my trips.
           January 26, Saturday was my birthday! Since I do not enjoy drinking a lot, I was not thinking of going out that night without any alternative plan. But then, when I woke up in the morning of the day, I found that my host parents have decorated the kitchen with balloons, ribbons, and writings congratulating my birthday. They even prepared gift and a letter written in the front “Dear Sunshine.” There is a reason behind on why they call me sunshine. There is a saying in Deutschland that if the children complete their given plate, there will be sunshine tomorrow. Because I finish my plate so cleanly every time, they love to call me as sunshine. That night, we also went out to a Korean restaurant and to watch a German movie. Lastly, I also had cocktail together in a bar called “extra dry” and it was the best alcohol beverage that I had in my entire life.

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