Sunday, February 3, 2019

week 3- snow days

            It’s only the third week of school and I can already tell that staying at school until 9 pm for Genetics is going to be rough this semester. On the bright side, it is only twice a week and gives me a great excuse to go to Mandu and get dumplings! I am a little fearful that I might spend all my money on Asian food while I’m here, but also treat yo self. 
            I also decided to finalize my spring break plans! I’ve been dreaming of going to Greece for so long and listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack really pushed me over the edge today, so I did the thing and got the flight! 

            Wooow the exhaustion has finally caught up to me. I haven’t really been prioritizing sleep like I should be, whether it’s because I’m doing work or talking to people back home. After almost falling asleep on the bus and in class, I decided that I can’t continue in these poor time management habits! 
On another note, it has been snowing a little here in Bonn, which has been so fun! In between classes on Wednesday, we had snowball fights and built a 7- ft snowman after class. 

            This morning, I woke up to the most beautiful view outside my window! Everything was covered in almost 5 inches of white, fluffy snow. I was so eager to finally be able to put my snowboots to use and BOY I did. After standing at the bus stop for 30 minutes, I realized it was not coming and ended up trekking 2 miles through the snow to try to find a way to get to school. It was quite the adventure, but everyone came to school late with their own funny stories. 
            In the afternoon, we went to the anesthesia museum. It was really cool to see how surgical technology has developed since the 19thcentury, and thank goodness it has because some of those appliances were real scary.

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