Monday, February 11, 2019

First Enmodes and Vienna Excursion #Prague #Koleno

           Today we had our first Enmodes presentation presenting about potential problems in 10 different classification in ECMO. I focused on anticoagulation/bleeding, mobility and cost-effectiveness. Researching about this topic was actually interesting and I enjoyed reading about this ECMO technology thinking that my research could actually help to develop this technology. While hearing presentations of 6 other groups, I learned more in depth about my focused topics and also for engineering sides about this project. I believe that all presentations were done well and were informative. It allowed me to think in the way I had not thought before, and see the problem in different perspective.

2/5 - 2/9
           This week, we had our Vienna excursion for 4 days. First day we walked around the main city and eating goulash with wines in goulash museum was so great. Going down to the crept of St. Michael’s church was very interesting and somewhat creepy, but I liked the experience. During one of the free time, I visited the Hauz der Musik, which is house of music, where it displayed all the history of music in Vienna and varieties of musical applications and approaches. I would say this place was the best place I had been in Vienna, and going to the classical concert right after the music museum was so fascinating. Overall, my experience throughout Vienna was so great and I would like to recommend people to visit one day.
           On Friday when our Vienna excursion ended, few of us headed to Prague. I had only one day to travel around Prague because my bus was scheduled for Saturday overnight bus to Bonn. However, I am certain that one day in Prague is enough to visit all of the major locations in the city since most of the tourist spots were next to each other, and not so many. The main city center where the astronomical clock is, the Charles’ bridges, and Prague Cattle were all beautiful and gorgeous, but I found most of the other streets or locations are rather somewhat poor and dull. In one day, I visited all these places mentioned above including John Lennon’s Wall, Jewish Quarter, and Prague National Museum (only outside). For dinner, I had pork knee called “Koleno,” and it was one of the best food I have ever had in my 21 years of life. I loved it so much and I would be very pleased to go back just to eat this food again. All my trip was so good and satisfactory without any trouble. Thanks God.

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