Sunday, February 17, 2019

Week 5: Back to Bonn

After an intense week and a half of travelling, I was exhausted. I knew that I needed a break from the mayhem by hanging out in Bonn for a while. And that's exactly what this week provided. Although I can't say that I had a relaxing week, it was nice to be back.

School has definitely been ramping up now. I'm having a bit of trouble getting circuits down, so that's been taking up a lot of my time. We have a meeting with enmodes next week, which I think I might be prepared for, so that's good. I'm really enjoying physiology right now, as the respiratory system is the system of the body that I'm most interested in. We had our last class of German this week, which is a little scary, because I definitely do not feel ready to be able to speak German in my everyday life.

In other news, the weather this week was by far the best it's been so far. I would even say it's gotten almost comfortable to be in. On Friday all the gelato shops opened, and there were tons of people hanging out in the park. I even went for a run outside in the woods near my house! At home, my family's hot water heater broke, so my host dad has been spending almost all his time in the basement trying to fix it. For now, I've learned to take the shortest showers I possibly can, because the water is incredibly cold. On Saturday I went to a German movie theater for the first time. They're very similar to American ones, especially since I was watching a movie in English (How to Train your Dragon 3). Before the movie, I wandered around the small town that the theater is in, and it's times like these where I feel like the German lifestyle is easiest to see. There was a farmer's market, so there were people of all ages mingling, shopping, and eating food (lots of bread of course). Although I didn't buy anything, it was fun to look at all the foods and imagine what I could cook with them if I were home. Although I didn't get to hike the Siebengebirge like I wanted to, I still had a pretty good week, and I feel like I'm learning more about Germany every day.

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