Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring break Part 2

After our horrible time getting to Rome for the first half of spring break I had quite an easy time leaving Rome and getting over to the small country of Greece. Once off the plane we were bombarded by math symbols and equations that turned out to be the Greek language, who knew that they actually spelled things with thetas, deltas and omegas?

The hotel was something that amazed all of us because it wasn't a hostel like we were all used to but a legit hotel equipped with our own individual towels and rooms to our own group that didn't have to be shared with random other people. The town was a small little place by the sea, and although the ocean was quite cold we made an attempt to go to the beach one of the days. I was reping the A&M speedo to make sure the Greeks knew the crazy tourists on the beach were Aggs.

When we went to Athens we had some awesome experiences and some really weird ones too. We got to see all the cool sites like the Acropolise and the ancient ampitheaters. One thing that we noticed was all the stray dogs that just seemed to hang out all over the place. And somehow through reasons unknown to our group a gang of these stray dogs decided to adopt us into their pack. They showed us all the cool things to do around Athens like bark at people till they dropped food for them, how to try and bite motorcycles as they rode by going 30 mph, and how to scare away any other humans (besides us) that got too close. They didnt seem to get the hint that we were trying to ditch them because every time we stopped walking they would stop also and patiently wait for us to pick up the pace and show them where we were going next. Finally we managed to lose them at the entrance of a museum and then we turned around only to see one of the dogs had spotted us and was making a bee line right back to us. We ran full speed down a road and past a gate that finally put a barrier between us and the hoodlum dogs.

But it seemed the night was still young and more craziness was in store for us as we were about to get on the train to take us home. A riot of old people equipped with canes and walkers came strolling down the street chanting and blocking traffic in order to protest all the money issues that Greece was going through at the moment.

All in all spring break over in Greece was strange and crazy for me, everything from smoking shisha in a Lebanese cafe to running in the cold bright blue waves of the Aegean sea.

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