Monday, April 8, 2013

Czech me out!

Rachael, Allison, and I flew to Prague this weekend for a nice little vacation before our weekend in Berlin. Rachael actually has family that lives there, so we stayed with them for the weekend! It was so nice to not be in a hostel for once. Her family was really welcoming, and when we arrived at the airport they escorted us back to their apartment where we were greeted with wine and dinner. 

The next day, they showed us around Prague. We saw the castle and climbed up to the top of a hill where the observation tower (a mini Eiffel Tower) was. It had a great view over Prague. We also saw a little Easter market that they still had out in the square. That night, we went out for some Czech food and went to a very Euro dance/electronic club. It was an interesting experience. 

Sunday we had a nice brunch at a French-themed restaurant and walked in a park that also overlooked the city of Prague. We went shopping again, and once we spent all the money we could we headed back to the apartment. One of Rachael's cousins cooked us fried cheese sticks and potato pancakes... delicious. Being as tired as we were, we watched True Lies, drank wine, and ate chocolate for the rest of the night. 

I would say it was a very successful trip to Prague. Now, we've been on the train for 2 hours and we have 3 more to go until we reach Berlin! Leggo! 

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