Wednesday, April 3, 2013


One of the strange things about living in Europe is the fact that any giving weekend can be a spontaneous trip to another country since everything is so close. One of the trips for me was a weekend to London, We left friday afternoon and were in London in a matter of hours.

It was strange to be in a country where we could actually (semi)understand everyone and didnt need to make hand gestures to communicate what we wanted. The first night there we explored the surrounding area and found a lot of neat pubs that had rowdy bunches of English men and women drinking their pints and enjoying the cold friday evening.

The next day we went up in the giant ferris wheel called the London eye and got a pretty good view of the entire city including Big Ben and the London Parliament. Our next stop was the royal garden in front of the palace, here we found some very friendly squirrles that were willing to climb on us in order to get food. One of these crazy little guys even got up on my shoulder looking for food before jumping off to go collect nuts or whatever.

One of the main reasons we went to London though was to see the set where the Harry Potter movies were shot. This was really cool for me because I grew up reading the books and seeing the movies, and now that all of it is over I got to see where the magic of the movies was made and how they did it. I found out lots of interesting things like the fact that one of the characters head (Hagrid) was actually mostly animatronic and that the Great hall was actually roofless and was filmed with angles to make a small model look like the giant roof of the hall.

Although I only got to see London and not the other great parts on England I was really happy with the trip and want to go back in the future to visit Scotland and maybe experience England whens its not snowing and cloudy the entire time.

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