Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rocking out in Germany

One of my favorite things to do back in the States is attend concerts of various sorts in big cities like Dallas, Houston, and Austin. So when the chance came to see a really cool band here in Germany my fellow students and I jumped at the chance. The band was Imagine Dragons and the best way to describe their music would probably be an indie rock sound. They played in good ol Koln just up the river and it was glorious! We started the night off right by buying a shirt from the band vendor and getting right in the middle of the crowd for maximal intensity. The opener for them was a slower band that didn't seem to get the energy levels of the crowd up too much but they were still fun to listen to. When Imagine Dragons came out on stage though it was an explosion of light smoke and awesomeness. For a good hour and a half it was nothing but rocking out to the music and having a good time. One thing that I noticed that was really disappointing was that there was no crowd surfing going on during the show which is one of my favorite things to do at concerts like this. I even asked a few Germans around us why this was like this and apparently things like that just don't happen at concerts.

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