Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I know that this is an over do blog, but when exams come around you really become pressed for time.

With that said last Tuesday was one of the most awesome experience of my life. I got the opportunity to shadow one of the anastesiologist at the Uniklinic here in Bonn. Now before you say anything, it was no ordinary shadowing experience.

It started off really really early in the morning and I was going to meet Dr. Delis whom you all would enjoy and I recommend you get in touch with him if you want to learn anything about medicine. Our first patient was in to have a sample of tissue taken from his spinal column. I will say for being an old man he was tough to opt to be awake for this entire procedure and it wasnt' very long but I bet it was painful.  But that wasn't the cool part of my day. It only got better...

The second patient was the golden ticket. Yes. This poor man was fairly old and had an issue where his vertebrae were fracturing and had to have a special cement put in to help with the pain and prevent further damage. An unfortunate issue to have. But, Dr Delis was so awesome that he allowed me to do somethings that a medical school student wouldn't get to do until they were in residency. I got to perform a tracheal intubation on  this patient. Oh yes, I just said. I got to intubate a patient and not just one I also got to intubate the patient afterwards. I was so terrified. All i could think in my mind is this man really going to let me intubate this patient on my own. And he did. Although he did help me he mostly let me do it on my own. And it was AWESOME!!! it was great.

Dr Delis said he wouldn't let me do it if he didn't think I couldn't. It was great, that was a time in my life where someone had faith in me and I had faith in myself. Sometimes I ponder about how my life is going to end up and although I tell myself that I can achieve my goals I don't always have faith in myself nor do people have faith in me. It was a great moment in my life because it helped me realize that who I want to be is very possible and that there is no reason to be scared. That I can do this. I am grateful for the experience that I had and  I am more than grateful for Dr. Delis for not only teaching me some of the coolest things ever but for having faith in me.

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