Thursday, January 19, 2023

Woche eins gut

     Germany is a very interesting places, there is tons of culture and I am amazed that so many people here are comfortable with many different languages. There are some things I love about Germany and the lifestyle I've started here. First being how my circadian rhythm feels. I wake up before sunrise which is usually around 8:30 I take care of my morning routine and then start my short walk to the bus/train station. I love getting out early and getting my feet on the ground and sun in my eyes as I journey into Bonn. When I arrive in bonn I love going to the bakery for a quick schoko-croissant, through the days activities it tires me heavily and when I finally get back home for the night I am exhausted I quickly get ready for bed and I eager to start the cycle again. I feel like this is the cycle that is meant for my body and I've never felt so in-tune.

The people on this biosciences trip are great I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of them and am eager to start to work on the enmodes project with them.

Food here is great, I've tried a bunch of different kinds, I will update this statement at a later date but right now my favorite food here that I have had is Döner.

In the next part of this post I will go into what I don't particularly enjoy about Germany, and just to preface I am being overcritical and some of these issues are just nit-picky and not really a detriment.

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