Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Week 2 - Brussels


            The week has been very slow, yet very tiring. Nothing going on in school that is interesting yet but I have been getting to know my classmates well. I think that I have made a good impression and I don’t dislike anyone so that’s always a good thing for long trips like these where you are with the same group of people for long periods of time. Hopefully, these relations will get better as we continue through the coming months.

              Apart from that, I have been going to the gym with Jackson in the afternoon and it has been nice to get back to some sort of activity, where I can focus on bettering myself both mentally and physically. I am hoping for an Arnold body by the end of this trip!

              Something interesting happened with the “planned-trip” to Interlachen and that interesting thing is that we decided to not go. After Matt, our TA, had done the pricing and given us the total, it seemed like too much money to spend on one trip to go kayaking and hiking. Now, that is not to say that it wouldn’t have been awesome to visit Interlachen, but I would rather go to a cheaper city that has more history. That new city happened to be Brussels and so with a group of the girls we decided to head over there for our first week out of the country.

              In the end of the planning we ended up finding a hotel that was close to the center for 30 euro a person a night and 79 euro for the roundtrip on the train from Cologne. Once adding the cost of food and souvenirs, we assumed we would end up spending about 200 euro total. This estimate was actually pretty close to the money we would spend while over there which ended up being around 180 euro. However, while over there, we figured out that we could cut the cost of travel by about half if we bought an EURAIL pass which would be 15 days of travel in 2 months for 400 euro, which at first sight seems like a lot but after doing some quick calculations, we would spend that much in the first 6 train rides. So, that is an option we are looking at as of now – still need to talk to Rike.

              Brussels was beautiful and is probably one of my favorite cities so far. The people were wonderful, the beer was amazing – more on this in a little, the food was great, and the architecture was out of this world. It was like seeing a very, very, very small Paris in terms of the city being setup very nicely and pedestrian friendly. On the note of it being architecturally beautiful is the amazing gilded buildings in the center. The buildings were beautiful in the morning but at night, it was something completely different. The way that the light would shine on the building was amazing and it made me want to sketch it right there.

              On the term of the beer, we had an interesting time with that. Nothing bad happened and it was the opposite. The beer was amazing! None of the beer that I tried was bad except for the gluten-free ones that I tried – no clue how Peyton does it. On the Saturday that we showed up, we ended the day with a total of 23 new beers tried which was awesome to add to the beer list in my notebook. Now, this is not saying that I myself drank 23 beers getting to a total of more than 4L. What we did was buy flights of beer and then split those between 4 or 5 of us each trying the beers meaning that it wasn’t that expensive.

              As a whole, this week was probably the most fun I have had and I can’t even begin to imagine all the fun adventures I will have with this group of friends and even some of the other friends I have made in class.

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