Monday, January 30, 2023

Week 3 (1/23-1/29)

 Week 3 in Germany was pretty chill. I'm starting to get the hang of life and classes here in Bonn. I have continued to bond with my host mom (yes, she have me more chocolate last night). I think the most interesting thing that happened this week was a birthday gathering at my host house. My host mom has a friend, Prisca, who is from Switzerland and lives with us most of the time. She is here in Germany to work (and has been for the past 8 years) but she will be returning to Switzerland for good in April. Anyways, her birthday was last Thursday and we had a birthday dinner for her. I made sure to get home early that night as to not interrupt any plans but guests didn't start arriving until 7 PM. Let me tell you, sitting at a dinner table with 8 people you don't know that are also speaking a language you don't know is a less than fun experience. Nonetheless, I sat there eating dinner keeping to myself. Finally, my savior, Alessa, came downstairs with her friend and invited me to sit on the couch and eat with them. I had already talked to Alessa and we seem to get along very well. Her friend was also super extroverted so we had no time making conversation. Overall, it was a very humbling experience and I think I'm truely grasping the idea of being 'The Other' like Dr. Wasser talks about. 

In regards to school, I think things are going fairly well (besides BMEN 211 because that class gives me nightmares). We had our first enmodes group meeting last Friday and I think my group has some pretty solid ideas to work off of. I'm really excited to see the development of our project throughout this semester. 

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