Sunday, February 2, 2014

This Weekend

We went home right after class on Friday instead of hanging around AIB like we usually do. When we arrived we were surprised with pancakes for lunch! We then headed to Cologne with our host sister, Karima to shop. Shopping and being out and about in a large city provides me with many chances to practice understanding and speaking German. It was also nice to have someone there who knows the language and the area though. We came back to Bonn for dinner and then went out to meet up with AIB friends for Karaoke. When we got to the Karaoke place and went inside, something didn’t seem quite right. A lady came up to us and started talking to us in German and in unison we responded, “Ich spreche kein Deutsch.” She said, “Oh. It’s closed, for an event.” So we awkwardly left whatever event we had just crashed with our loud American ways. We then went and walked around Altstadt where we kept running into other groups of Americans from different programs at AIB. We must stand out quite a bit because we can always recognize other groups of Americans.
Saturday was Melissa’s birthday! We slept in and then when we came down the stairs for brunch our host sisters yelled, “Stop!” So we waited on the stairs until we were allowed to continue into the dining room. When we got in, there was happy birthday music playing and there were delicious cupcakes out for breakfast! Our host family also got Melissa a Carnival costume for her birthday! It’s a witch costume because they wanted her to be able to wear it for Carnival and Halloween back home. We went shopping with our two host sisters to get drinks and snacks for Melissa’s birthday party that night. Then we spent the rest of the day relaxing and getting everything ready for the party. Our host mom made a traditional German birthday cake for the party and it was amazing! She was so great for everything she did for the party and for welcoming 16 Americans into her home that night! (A A A A A!)

Today I woke up to warm sunlight shining through the windows. It was a beautiful day out! After eating brunch, my host sisters showed me around Hangelar on inline roller skates. It was so nice out and the village is lovely. We stopped at a little farm that had tons of adorable goats that came up to the fence and greeted us with loud baa-ing. At dinner our host mom said to us, “Your friends are very nice… They are really short though!” I think our friends are pretty average height for Americans. The German people are all just so tall!

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