Monday, February 10, 2014


I'm typing this on the train on the way back from Amsterdam though this won't be posted for a while longer since I don't have wifi on the train. Anyway, Amsterdam was pretty alright. The tulip market was one of my favorite parts of the trip. There were a lot of different types of flowers and more varieties of tulips than I imagined possible. The restaurants were quaint places with food from anywhere you wanted. I got to try some of what Europeans think Mexican food is. It was pretty good but having eaten the authentic stuff, it can't compare. Another part of this trip worth mentioning was the night life. It was a busy place with lots of hustle and bustle. We walked through the infamous red light district and it was definitely a culture shock. It was pretty sad really and seedy, dirty and not really a place I liked spending time but it was worth the few minutes it took to walk through it. Besides this, the other real culture shock was walking near and around the coffee shops of Amsterdam. The smell of pot was pungent and filled the air. The paraphernalia for it was everywhere and it was odd seeing such a huge subculture for an activity which I'm accustomed to seeing as illicit. Overall, I was able to walk all through the city in my 2 days there and see lots of different things, the city was fairly expensive and sometimes confusing to navigate. So though it was a lot of fun to have spent a weekend there, I'm glad to be heading back to Bonn.

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