Monday, February 10, 2014

Amsterdam and other things

This week was quite fun. My favorite part of the week in regards to program was the concert to me. Everyone was so dressed up that I had to take a few pictures to preserve the memories. It was both a choir and an orchestral event, with 4 soloists in each of the major voice parts. As far as I can tell, they basically did the songs of the mass in the original Latin. It was beautiful and I was very impressed with the quality of the singers. Unfortunately the lighting was just right to lull me to sleep, and the songs went on forever! I mean, one song lasted for 45 minutes. Granted, most of it was soloists singing, but I'm amazed at how many times the same 30 words can be sung in a different way. I was very impressed with the choir for the simple fact that they had kept their pitch after keeping quiet and letting the soloists sing for 20 minutes straight. The soloists were also very good and I enjoyed listening to them. Even though I was so relaxed during the concert, I greatly appreciated their voices and the songs for the musical value it had.

On the personal front, I had quite a lot of fun in Amsterdam over the weekend. The sights and experiences were quite exciting and I will never forget the things that I saw and did. However, my favorite part of the trip was a tie between two instances. The first was when me and two friends went back to the place we were staying in and shared two drinks and a packet of pretzels. We basically talked about really deep things such as the political situation in our country right now and just whatever came to mind. We talked for hours and when we stopped talking, it was past time for sleep. the other situation was when three friends and I sat in a bar and started saying the historical blurb about the bar in different accents; Chinese, Indian, British, nothing was safe from us. And we just kept passing around the menu and using different accents. It just proves that the most memorable moments aren't the grand castles or the beautiful museums, but just hanging out with the new friends that are made in the small moments.

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