Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Friends In Low Places"

This past week we went to a museum that showed the American influence on Western Germany post WWII. It was very interesting to see the affect that America had on the lives of the average Western German. The museum also showed a little bit of the influence of the Soviet Union on the Eastern German people, it was really cool to see the history. We also went to Cologne last Tuesday. The cathedral there is amazing! The history behind Cologne is also really amazing, and so much has happened there since Roman times, there is plenty to see there.

Last Friday some of us went to Cologne after class, and it WAS AMAZING. Why you might ask? Because we spend pretty much the whole of the daylight hours AT THE ZOO. THE COLOGNE ZOO IS AWESOME! Now, I love all zoos, but it really is amazing! They had an amazing elephant place, I really want to go back and learn more about what they do with the Asian Elephants that they had there.
Inside of the Elephant House, there was an outside yard nearly twice as large!
I loved everything at the zoo, it was amazing!!! Unfortunately, my phone (which was at 91% battery when we got there) died before we could finish going through the zoo, it was EXTREMELY depressing. However, this gives me that much more of a reason why I need to go back and see it all again.
They had lots of simulated areas, they had a large primate house that had tunnels through the roof that kind of looked like a tree canopy, they led all around and outside. There was also a huge house that simulated a rainforest, and they had a lot of tropical creatures there.    


After the zoo, we went and had gelato, then had a few drinks that night in some bars, the day was quite the experience!

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