Friday, January 31, 2020

Week 3

This week was not too action-packed, which was actually great as I needed some rest. The Texas A&M students and faculty attended a "Welcome Hike" along with the other AIB schools. This was a great experience as I made friends with some of the Layola and Penn St. students, got some exercise in, tasted kleu wine, and saw Bonn from a whole new perspective. After the hike, a group of friends, from both schools, went out and had a good night. During the week, I studied and tried to get a lot of my HW done. Additionally, we met the Micheal form Enmodes and had an informational meeting while also presenting the possible ECMO problems. This opportunity is very interesting and I can't wait to dig more into this issue. This weekend I am traveling to Amsterdam and am very excited. I will keep you guys updated!

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