Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week Two

School: wow... kinda overwhelmed at the moment. Work came a lot faster than anticipated. My online classes have so many assignments due each week and I am struggling this week to get this weeks assignments done and get a head start on next week's so I don't have so much work in Vienna.
However I will still most likely need to borrow Nathan's computer while we are there, so I should probably ask him soon.
The physiology book is on its way to AIB so hopefully that will get here soon. If I have time I would like to read some of Dr. Wasser's copy this week.
German is going well. I am enjoying all the vocabulary we are learning. I do need to bear down a little more and learn the gramma rules and tenses.
Research: really enjoyed the tour last week. It was awesome to see what those guys do. I am really looking forward to starting our group work.

Personal life and travel:
I have had a hard time staying awake on my train rides home. I missed my stop 3 times already do to falling asleep. Unfortunately, Friday after our trip to Aachen and working late on my online assignments at AIB  I fell asleep on the way home and I woke up around 1:30AM to a DB worker asking me for my ticket. Unfortunately, there were no more trains heading back towards Bonn and I was 7-8 stops passed my host family's stop.  After a long night, and some stressful moments, I did make it home safely. Needless to say I am much more cognicent of falling asleep on the train now; I have started setting alarms if I sit and if I am tired I don't let myself sit. I talked to my roommate back home  who did an internship in D.C and he said they warned them of falling asleep on trains there too, so I guess it's a common problem. Something about the rocking motion and white-noise like sounds just knocks me straight out. I am a little timid of getting on my train home now if it's after a trip or if I have stayed late at AIB to work on my online assignments.

Clothes: still haven't gotten them. Hopefully I will get a box of them  in before I leave this weekend. The first box should be here by Friday or I need to claim it as missing. Same story as the one that got returned, if it does not get back to Texas by Friday I need to find that one as it has my laptop in it.

So all in all these first 2 weeks have been pretty rough on me, but I'm staying optimistic and I'm still making the best of it. One big highlight, I did find tortillas in the grocery store so I have been able to feed my breakfast taco cravings. I almost went a full month without one.

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