Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Adventures

Howdy! My name is Ethan Ellis, and I’m a sophomore Biology major. As I write this, I’m spending my last night in Texas for the next four months. I decided to get the full experience one more time before I depart, so today was filled with hog hunting and barbecue.

My relationship with this program began when a friend of mine forwarded an informational email to me. I had mentioned that Germany was one of my main interests for studying abroad to him and he remembered that! The email invited me to the first orientation, I figured “What’s the harm?” and decided to see what Dr. Wasser had to offer. I assumed I would like a lot about it, and use the information to guide my choices for studying abroad later down my college career. But before I even got home from the meeting I knew that I was going, and I was going as soon as possible. That very night I submitted my application.

Some of the things that I am most excited for are the loads of traveling opportunities, the immersive opportunity to live with a host family, and the chance to dedicate myself to the semester long project. I’m really hoping to become as intertwined with the German culture as I possibly can. That’s the primary reason I chose a full semester, I want to BE as German as I can during my time there, to experience what truly living there is like as opposed to just being a tourist. I really want to expand myself, to be exposed to more than just what is familiar to me. I believe I can accomplish all of these things on this trip.

Truthfully, I’m not nervous, not at all. I love adventure, I love the rush of not really knowing what’s going to happen. I’m just ready to get on this plane and see what happens.
Until then,

Auf Wiedersehen

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