Friday, January 20, 2017

Week 1

It has been a very eventful first week in Germany. Throughout these first few days I have learned many things: I should've studied more German before I came, my definition of warm clothes is inadequate, and I was completely unprepared for the sheer beauty that Germany holds. 

Navigating the roads of Bonn and talking to the people who live here can be very challenging when one doesn't understand anything that the signs or people say. Many market workers and bus passengers have received a blank stare from me because I simply have no idea what they just said or how to respond in any way. Throughout the week this has gotten better, I now consisting say the phrases "Sprechen sie English?", "Entschuldigung!","Danke", and "Bitte". These seem to be enough to survive for some time in Germany but I am currently working on learning more. 

When I first stepped out of the airport I had one thought cross my mind, "I am underdressed." My light combination of jeans, a sweater and a vest was simply not enough to brave the cold German winter. I quickly grabbed my other jacket and put it on and while it helps with my shivering a little, it didn't come close to stopping it. I knew that I would really need the extra fluffy jacket that I packed inside my suitcase with the hope that it wouldn't actually be that cold and I would never actually need it. That thought was my biggest mistake. I have since adjusted and taken to wearing multiple layers on my upper and lower body along with the fluffiest jacket I have ever owned. I look like a marshmallow but I am warm so I am happy. 

I have only been in Germany for a few days now and I still have a hard time fathoming the beautiful buildings, gigantic cathedrals, and sprawling markets that I see on a daily basis. It seems very unreal to be in a place with such extreme beauty everywhere that the locals don't even seem to notice. I wanted to avoid this but yet I still feel like a "tourist" every day because I have to stop and take a picture of something that I find extremely beautiful. Attached are pictures of the cathedral in Bonn, the vineyard we have visited, the Aachen cathedral, and a couple other various pictures taken in while Germany. 

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