Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pre-Flight Middle-of-the-Night Thoughts

So in about 12 hours, I will be on board a plane, waiting for take-off. I got together with family and friends last night to spend time with one another and say our good-byes, but I still don't think it's hit me yet that I'm actually leaving today.

Since last semester ended, it has just been one thing after another. I had so many things I needed to get done before I left and, amazingly, I can say that I was able to check off most of the things on that list (one of my textbooks got lost in the mail, yay!). The past few weeks have been a blur of stress and neurosis, trying to get everything done. And now that everything is done, I find myself looking for more things that need doing, more things that need stressing over. I don't think I'll be able to really relax and think about all the amazing things to come, until 12 hours from now, when I am on that plane.

As far as when I get there, I have to commend the AIB for pairing me with my host family. I have celiac and have to eat gluten-free. On top of that, I've never been a big meat eater. So obviously, eating in Germany (the land of beer, bread, and blutwurst) was a big concern for me. But the AIB managed to match me with a family that eats gluten-free and vegan! Receiving this news was such a relief and a huge weight off my shoulders. Not only will I have meals at home that I can eat, but they'll be able to give me tips on how to navigate dining in Germany. They also have a cat who I'm told looks just like my cat here at home. Though I think that might make me miss him even more.

Aside from all that, I have always loved Germany as a country. I took German in high school and have since been brushing up on it (though I am nowhere near fluent). Though this will be my first time there, I have a number of friends who have either visited or lived in Deutschland. So being able to go there and stay for four months is honestly like a dream come true to me.

I mentioned earlier that I don't think it has hit me yet, but writing this post has made it a bit more real for me.

Anyway, it's 4 AM and I need to sleep and pack. Hope everyone has a safe flight! Bis bald!

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