Saturday, January 9, 2016

It's the Final Countdown

It's The Final Countdown
      Well the day is almost here. I depart for Germany in less than three days, and the nerves are starting to set in. I guess when the trip was a couple of months away, my excitement masked my fears. Although I am getting nervous, I know that this trip is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I cannot wait to see what this next chapter of my life has in store for me. 
      A few things have proven to be difficult the closer I get to leaving... Packing for starters. Being a girl with a slight obsession with fashion, packing for sixteen weeks and one day is tough. Not only am I packing for sixteen weeks, but also for two different seasons and every possible weather outcome... It is a struggle... Especially since I just started packing today (which is a little less than three days before we fly out.) Another thing that caused some stress was picking out the perfect gift for my host family. After countless bad ideas, I finally settled on a mug and a book that perfectly explains how to understand me... "How to Speak Texan." Being from East Texas, I use a lot of "slang" that is probably not understood by people who don't know me, so I figured this gift may help my host family out a little. Finally, saying "see you soon" to my friends and family has been the most difficult obstacle between me and Germany. I am a huge family person, so leaving is going to be tough. Luckily, my family is so supportive and has made the absolute best out of my last few weeks at home. I feel incredibly lucky to have them supporting me throughout my journey.
      Thats enough about the stuff that scares me... Lets talk about what I look forward to. I seriously cannot wait to see the world and get a better understanding of other cultures. Having never left the United States, I don't really know what to expect... I just want to make the most of my time in Germany and create memories that will last a lifetime. I want to take spontaneous trips with my friends and go to little towns that most people would never think to visit. I want to build friendships that are everlasting and to learn about life in other parts of the world. I am so thankful for the opportunity to spend an entire semester abroad and I plan to enjoy every second of it. 
      I know that I may seem more scared than excited, and I will admit that I am afraid. But I think that a healthy amount of fear is good, and I know that my excitement outweighs my fear. I cannot wait to board the plane to Germany in two days, twenty hours and three minutes. I'll see ya in Bonn.

Gig'em and God Bless. 

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