Monday, January 25, 2016

Official Temporary Bonner

After experiencing my first "free" weekend in Europe, I'm happy to inform you, I did made it back to Germany to start yet another week of classes! This weekend was nice, freedom was good. I traveled to Amsterdam for the weekend with a pretty sweet group of friends. Wow, not a sentence I thought I'd every say in my life. It seemed to flow out so casually, "Yeah, I went to Amsterdam for the weekend."

Anyways, I must say, it was another culture shock for me. Amsterdam is definitely not like Germany nor like America. It wasn't like any city I've ever been to. Arriving in Amsterdam, I quickly felt the unfamiliarity of the city as people were now speaking Dutch. (Which by the way, I find to be a much more strange language than German.) Amsterdam was also much larger than Bonn, which I also wasn't quite prepared for. The streets were packed with people, bikes, and trams. The bike riders were a little overwhelming for me as I found out they have the right-of-way over pedestrians are they aren't afraid to ring their bell and nearly run you over. But I enjoyed my time spent visiting the Anne Frank house; touring the Rijksmuseum; roaming the streets; and eating pastries, cheese, and pancakes. You know, touristing type things. Overall, the trip was good and Amsterdam was a sight to see! 

Upon leaving Amsterdam I was forced to master public transportation yet again as I successfully switched trains four times in two different languages (Dutch and German). Who knew riding a train could be so stressful. I must say, hearing the German across the intercom once I crossed the country's border and hopped on the second to last train was so nice. It kinda felt like I was home again. I did receive my official temporary Bonn resident paperwork today, so I suppose it is home, for now. 

Okay, I'm off to read physiology. Tschüß! 

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